Salida Productions
A film by
Andrea Pelaez
Memory is inspired by the racial and cultural diversity of Latin America, explores the themes of mental health, isolation and the imagination of a senior feminine artist, “Florecita”, who keeps growing in her mind whilst the body that she has lived in so vibrantly in the past is painfully shutting down.
We begin with Florecita completely alone in her home. As she sits listening to music, memories begin to flood into her of her past life as a dancer. A strange encounter pulls her out of the isolation of her house and she goes on a journey through the city of Bogota, meeting diverse performers of different ages, genders and backgrounds, all remembrances of her life’s story. At each stage these memories appear to her through different global styles of dance, moving from love, nostalgia, joy to pain when she finally finds herself in the bustling centre of the city alone and confused. Her memory fading away...

Writer, Director and Choreographer:
Andrea Peláez
Executive Producer: Ed Hughes
Principal Actor:
Flor Pachon as “Florecita”
Dancers (In order of appearance)
Daniela Ospina (Ballet)
Julián Garcés Ocoró (Tap)
Marcela Hormaza (Flamenco)
Felipe Valencia “Catleya” (Vogue)
Eliana Entralgo y Daniel Martinez (Tango)
Daniel Laso (Contemporary)
Natalia Alba y Andres Molano (Salsa)
Barbara Vergara (Folklore)
Sara Giraldo Vergara (Child with rose)
Margarita Naranjo (Urban Dance)
Laura Portela
Juan Moreno
David Landines
Mateo Romero Vergara
Camera Operator : Jaider Rios, Andrés Botero
Assistant Camera Operator: Nicolas Bernier
Editor and Colorist: Alejandro Sandoval Bertín
Sound design and musicalisation: Alejandro Sandoval Bertín
Music: "Lamentation" Kevin MacLeod
"Maezinha" Alivetap and Edwin Ospina
Feat. Julina Garces
"Calentana" Cero39